Tonight we celebrated Meg's birthday like we usually do- Rex hosted a gourmet, yet home made, meal. It was absolutely delicious as always! We had so much fun! It's crazy how that restaurant brought us together as friends for life! Love ya Meg- Happy Birthday!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Grace and I had another baby photo shoot after work. It was so fun! And impossible to take a bad picture of a baby in a diaper.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
This weekend we headed to Monroe City to visit the other side of the family. This time Grace got to spend quality time with Kyndal while getting their pictures taken together. She actually crawled for the first time today too! She was tired of the photo session and crawled right off the set. (Sounds like something her father would do!)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Glenn and Grace got "locked up" during the London Bridge song.
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall..." For the last 8 weeks we have spent our Monday evenings at the YMCA for water babies. It was a lot of fun!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The next day we took advantage of the hotel pool. Grace had fun in the pool with Grandpa and Uncle Michael. Then she took her first trip to the hot tub- one of daddy's favorite things. (Don't freak out! It wasn't hot at all so it was safe for baby)
Saturday, March 7, 2009
We headed to Omaha for the weekend to hang out with the family. Grace got some good quality time with her cousins Lauren, Lydia, and Caleb.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Signs of spring!
Grace had a fever at day care today so I had to come home and stay with her again. I think her fever was from her shots on Tuesday because she was perfectly happy and her fever went down with a little Tylenol. So, we took advantage of the beautiful day!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
We could tell Grace wasn't feeling well so at her 6 month check up the doctor took an extra close look at her. Well, he didn't have to look too hard- he found 2 ear infections and brochiolitis, which is an infection of the lower branches in the lungs. Nothing a little Amoxicillin won't fix!